Today, due to new technologies and seeing the tenacity with which the branch of scientific research, especially neuromarketing,advances, it is easy to understand how they have managed to bringtogether topics such as fine arts and eye-tracking technology. Not onlydid they Read More …

Low-cost methodologies and devices applied to measure, model and self-regulate emotions for Human-Computer Interaction

In this thesis, the different methodologies for analyzing the UX experience are explored from a usercentered perspective. These classical and well-founded methodologies only allow the extraction of cognitive data, that is, the data that the user is capable of consciously Read More …

Investigating Design Intentions, Visual Perception through Eye Tracking of Architectural Sketches

From the study it can be implied that mechanical eye-movements reveal a shared visual-thinking procedure that has been unconsciously practiced by human designers. Such a procedure, if learned by machines, will facilitate a creative process that utilize such informal dynamics Read More …

Implicit Visual Attention Feedback System for Wikipedia Users

The complex collaborative structure of Wikipedia has attracted researchers from various domains, such as social networks, human-computer interaction, and collective intelligence. Yet, a few focus on the readers’ perception of Wikipedia. Readers make up the majority of Wikipedia users (editors/readers), Read More …

How to Run Behavioural Experiments Online: Best Practice Suggestions for Cognitive Psychology and Neuroscience

The combination of a replication crisis, the global COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, and recent technological advances, have accelerated the on-going transition of research in cognitive psychology and neuroscience to the online realm. When participants cannot be tested in-person, data of Read More …

An Empirical Study On Influence Of Visual Elements On Consumer Attention With Special Reference To Automobile Advertisement

Advertisements have definitely improved the standard of living and given new ways of living to the people. In this scenario ithas become vital for marketers to impact the consumer’s attention. And thus, the visual elements/design come into focus. Thisresearch aims Read More …

A deep learning saliency model for exploring viewers’ dwell-time distributions over Areas of Interest on webcam-based eye-tracking data Visual Saliency deals with detecting the most eye-catching regions in images, those regions which naturally stands out of the image. Itaccounts for bottom-up and top-down visual attention processes over the first few seconds of observation of a given image.

Platform for Comparative Study of Focus and Retention in Virtual Reality and Online Learning Our research objective is to compare the effectiveness of standard online learning methods versus the utilization of virtual reality in education in terms of student focus and information retention. Our proposed platform will have identical lesson plans in virtual Read More …