Behavioral analytics of financial advertisements influence through visual elements across generational cohorts

Visual elements impact an individual’s cognitive assessment for financial decision making.Financial advertisements through a visual medium that an investor is exposed to might be amongst the myriad factors that impact the investor. The study assesses the implication of financial advertisements Read More …

Visualization of brainwaves using EEG to map emotions with eye tracking to identify attention in audiovisual workpieces

This article describes a brainwave visualization system using EEG and Eye Tracking in order to map the emotional relationship of individuals with audiovisual workpieces, especially attention and taste. Using the Design Science Research method, the artifact was specified, implemented and Read More …

Visual Preferences in children diagnosed with ASD by generating heatmaps with Eye Tracking

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a developmental condition that involves persistent challenges in social interaction, speech, nonverbal communication, and repetitive behaviors in individuals with ASD. Eye-tracking technology has recently been used to differentiate between individuals with and without the presence Read More …

Analysis of Player Engagement with Eye Tracking in Game-Based Training

Human factor engineering (HFE) concentrates on designs that take humancharacteristics into account, aiming at providing leisure and reaction, maximizing human capabilities, improving human’s quality of life and so on. In this field, game-based training is an essential method. Combining passive Read More …

Examination of the use of the golden ratio in logo design in Terms of brand management: eye tracking study

The present study aims to investigate the role of the golden ratio use in logo design on consumer perception in terms of brand management. To this end, in order to collect data, a research procedure including the questionnaire method using Read More …

Influence of neuromarketing on the perception of advertising posters: determining factors in attention

Neuromarketing aims to delve into the mind of the consumer. The objective of this research is to determine the reliability and precision of neuromarketing to carry out campaigns and assess emotions. Methodologically, Gazerecorder is used, which allows knowing the eye Read More …

Development of an Experimentation Environment for the Analysis of Web Reading Patterns by its Users and Conducting a Pilot Study

The main objective of this Final Degree Project is to carry out a study of the webvisualization patterns identified to date. In addition, as part of this study, aseries of tests are conducted to check the current validity of these Read More …