Webcam as Alternate Option for Eye-Trackers in Gaze Gaming Software

Gaze gaming software like GazePlay are oftenused by people with multiple disabilities especially children as a tool for learning. Interactionwith this software can be done with a special typeof device known as eye-trackers. These eye-trackers capture the gaze of the Read More …

Anthropomorphised learning contents: Investigating learning outcomes, epistemic emotions and gaze behaviour

Anthropomorphism is defined as attributing human traits and emotions to non-human entities. In the field of emotional design in multimedia learning, anthropomorphising essential learning elements has been associated with promoting positive learning experiences. Although it has been widely used for Read More …

Low-cost methodologies and devices applied tomeasure, model and self-regulate emotions for Human-Computer Interaction

In this thesis, the different methodologies for analyzing the UX experience are explored from a usercentered perspective. These classical and well-founded methodologies only allow the extraction of cognitive data, that is, the data that the user is capable of consciously Read More …

Axiomatic design of a man-machine interface for Alzheimer’s patient care

Axiomatic thinking framework is used to develop a novel concept of “Care-Toy,” which helps caregivers of Alzheimer’s and dementia patients by providing much needed respite for themselves without compromising patients’ safety. “Care-Toy” interacts with a patient via stimulating images and Read More …