The theory of the three faces is utilized in my artistic research as a framework to reflect upon and analyze four bodily oil paintings in different materials and sizes. The third face is who we are and our
true reflection, which only our soul is aware of. These works have been produced for the final Graduation Masters exhibition at Kjøpmannsgata Ung Kunst, Nils Aas and Galleri KiT in Trondheim, Norway, in 2022. Research addresses factors that increase the potential for relational interaction and discussion between the viewer and the painting
through examples of perspective, movement, and the symbolic thought behind the motifs. I examine, reflect upon, and discuss how the three faces that we all possess can be combined into practice and thought and generate new forms of knowledge production. The writing is divided into chapters consisting of the inner and outer bodies, the mental and physical choices in material and size, and an expression between flesh-toned colors and motifs, and how each of these relates to one another and can impact the observation of art.