This purpose of this report is to analyse the project which I have undertaken and to evaluate the final product. This report draws attention to the fact that the gaming industry is one of the world’s most thriving industries at this moment of time, and it shows no signs of slowing down. Knowing this it was an easy decision to develop a game with an eye for perspective profitability in mind. My game is of the racing genre. Over recent years there has been a renaissance in the racing genre with the release of new titles such as DriveClub, Need for Speed and Forza. My game is aimed at people who enjoy cars, racing games and who also wish for a new kind of racing game.
The problem for many companies hoping to develop racing games is trying to
find something new and exciting to differentiate it from the mainstream games. By using the traditional racing game features and adding a new aspect which has not been used as extensively my game oozes a breath of freeze air.
Gaze Recorder eye tracking software was used for Usability Testing.