ISRN Neurology
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[] M. Ibbotson and B. Krekelberg, “Visual perception and saccadic
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[] W. M. Joiner, J. Cavanaugh, and R. H. Wurtz, “Modulation
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[] D. E. Angelaki, “e oculomotor plant and its role in three-
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[] Y. Shinoda, Y. Sugiuchi, M. Takahashi, and Y. Izawa, “Neural
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[] K. Yoshida, Y. Iwamoto, S. Chimoto, and H. Shimazu, “Saccade-
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[] T. Kanda, Y. Iwamoto, K. Yoshida, and H. Shimazu, “Glycinergic
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[] L. M. Optican, “Field theory of saccade generation: temporal-
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[] R.Soetedjo,C.R.S.Kaneko,andA.F.Fuchs,“Evidenceagainst
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[] G. Gancarz and S. Grossberg, “A neural model of the saccade
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[] T. P. Trappenberg, M. C. Dorris, D. P. Munoz, and R. M. Klein,
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